AvL 1258 - 1.2M Low-Stow Vehicle-Mount DriveAway Mobile VSAT

$ 33,098.55
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1.2m AvL-Proprietary Structural Core-Free Carbon Fiber Reflector, Zero Backlash AvL Cable Drive, Optional Transmit Rotary Joint on Feed, Stows to 15" H (38.1 cm H), Can be mounted onto large SUV or van, Standard 2-Port Ku-Band Precision (standard Cross-Pol comp.) Feed, Embedded one button auto-acquisition ACU with IRU P/S, Embedded 75-ohm IF/RF cabling for BUC and LNB (CFE), 400 degree azimuth range, Hand cranks on all axes, Integrated GPS, Level sensors for automatic vehicle tilt compensation and automatic cross pol alignment
- • 1.2m AvL Engineered Composite Reflector
• Zero Backlash AvL Cable Drive
• Compact/Rugged Pol Gear Drive
• Optional Rotary Joint on Pol Axis with Flex W/G to BUC
• “One-Button” Auto-Acquisition